Easy Ways to Go Green in your Living Room!

Why Go Green in your home? The reasons for building an eco-friendly house, manufacturing an organic sofa, wearing an organic cotton shirt and even using products like Burt’s Bees for taking care of your skin are basically the same as utilizing green methods in your home.  Using green products creates a healthier space for you, a more energy efficient space and uses environmentally friendly manufacturing methods which protect resources for future generations.  Every “green” purchase has quite the impact on numerous important things like your health, the environment and energy [...]

Five Easy Tips for your Kitchen Mini Makeover!

With Spring just around the corner, it’s time to get ready for another round of entertaining.  I call it the Spring Itch!  A favorite room of mine is the kitchen when it comes to room makeovers because so much of our time is spent in it with family and friends, cooking great meals.  Nowadays, the kitchen does so much more than just cook.  Here are my five Mini makeover ideas for the kitchen:   1)      Paint Paint is my favorite medium because it is the least expensive and quickest way [...]

10 Steps to a Healthier Home Environment

Indoor air is three times more polluted than outdoor air, and according to the EPA, is considered one of the top 5 hazards to human health. Take steps to improve air quality and freshen the air in your home by introducing live plants such as ivy, spider plants and peace lily. All have the natural quality of absorbing formaldehyde and other unhealthy chemicals.

How To Make A House Into A Home

Really great rooms move way beyond the three fabric combination of retail. Mix in several other fabrics, varying pattern scale and texture, adding fringe to pillows. This is another area where design help can make all the difference. Look at the really fabulous rooms in national magazines and count how many different fabrics populate the sofas, chairs, ottomans, pillows and curtains in a beautifully finished room.