High Point Furniture Market: April 2011

High Point Market this spring, while much smaller than previous years, had plenty to offer.  With showroom space more available, many new vendors are entering the marketplace at High Point, and we saw a large selection of antique and few-of-a-kind artist-produced pieces, as well as the usual manufactured lines.  There was a lot of focus on American made goods, which we really appreciated since we have always looked specifically for the Made in USA tag and it makes our job shopping so much easier.  It’s always fun to see what [...]

Furniture Shopping – The Elusive “Perfect Chair”

We ladies have all had that dreaded conversation at one time or another. We try to avoid it, but it keeps rearing its ugly, overstuffed head. The Recliner. Imagine an English style club chair with mahogany feet and casters, or an Art Deco recliner in bomber-brown leather - in other words, a recliner that will be a decorative feature in the room, instead of an eyesore.

Why Hire an Interior Designer, Now?

Your relationship with your interior designer can be a valuable part of your family's lifestyle for many years. You wouldn't purchase a stock or investment property without educating yourself first. And typically you would seek the advice of a professional.

How To Make A House Into A Home

Really great rooms move way beyond the three fabric combination of retail. Mix in several other fabrics, varying pattern scale and texture, adding fringe to pillows. This is another area where design help can make all the difference. Look at the really fabulous rooms in national magazines and count how many different fabrics populate the sofas, chairs, ottomans, pillows and curtains in a beautifully finished room.